Witness David Garcia Jr. take a triumphant ‘slice of Victory Pie’ as he moves up from the 12th position to win once again in his S.H. Automotive Pure Stock! Thanks to his patience and the excellent condition of the track, David skillfully worked his way up to the front. Be part of the excitement and watch more incredible comebacks at Vado Speedway Park. Get out to the races by heading to VadoSpeedwayPark.com! Join the excitement and share your moments with us using our official hashtags: #VadoSpeedwayPark, #RacingAction, #TrackDay, #ModifiedRacing, #PureStock, #StockCarRacing, #SprintCar, #RaceDay, #VictoryLane, and #SpeedwayRacing. Follow and use these tags to stay connected and up-to-date with all the thrilling races at Vado Speedway Park!